First up this morning, I saw this “cute” error message on my WordPress hosted blog. In contrary to “Bad bad Orkut Servers” or “No Doughnut for you!” errors at Orkut, it was a refreshing change though. While this error did not last too long, an auto-refresh after 10 mins made it go.
Here is the text if you haven’t gotten it on your blogs yet:
OH MY! Life is so unfair! What did I do wrong to be born a server in this day and age? I could have been a nice simple bicycle that people happily rode around on all day. But no, I’m stuck inside this metal case serving web pages instead. I never even see the light of day and all I can hear is the rush of the air-conditioning!
Well, no more! I’m relaxing here with a cup of tea and a biscuit until someone shows me some love and attention.It never takes them long to fix me when I kick up a fuss so check back in a few minutes and I’ll be chugging along merrily again.!
The web server
( – where even the machines have life!)
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