Category: Sarcasm
इस दौर-ए-तरक्की में कब किस से मिलें, जब खुद से ही मिलने का एक वक़्त मुक्कर्र हो साभार – राम किशोर
Geek vs Nerd [infographic]
Of late I have started loving these nicely designed infographics. (newspeak?) Quite a handy tool if you want to convey a chunk of information as a vignette. Chances of it going viral in the social media age can’t be ruled out as well, if things are planned properly. Like for example, this one… An old…
The server made a boo boo
Dunno, why I get such whacky errors first thing in the morning while sipping a cup of lemon tea. : ) Realized it in a bit, its a common Apache error.
Confessions of a WordPress Server
First up this morning, I saw this “cute” error message on my WordPress hosted blog. In contrary to “Bad bad Orkut Servers” or “No Doughnut for you!” errors at Orkut, it was a refreshing change though. While this error did not last too long, an auto-refresh after 10 mins made it go. Here is the…