Ever tried adding an event invitation sent to your Gmail?
It fires a *very* long URI, which, of course is too much to handle for Google Calendar. It humbly yields an innocent:
414. That’s an error.
The requested URL
… is too large to process. That’s all we know.
Yes, this one precisely:
It appears to be a known issue and people have already forked it on places like Github. There is a workaround, but no permanent fix I suppose.
However, today my main point of contention is Google’s approach towards handling such errors. “That’s all we know.” — The (in)famous Google Blah page. Com’on Google, you’re not trying to be funny like us new age start-ups, having a fancy and sometimes kitschy 404 pages to impress people. Especially if Google fires up a 404 upon a search query, with no hints for users for the next step, it defeats the purpose of having an advanced algorithm and so much machine learning which Google prides itself over. TechCrunch did a piece over it when Google introduced them last year, a practice which we all thought was temporary, still persists.
Maybe just another hint from Google, of the boundaries between AI and human intelligence — Google’s 404 Fail Robot. With broken springs and parts.
EDIT: Am I being too skeptical here? Focusing more on such trivial errors, rather than on the solutions. I should fix my 404 pages first. :)
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